Name the Country and Police Force Involved

Canadians are often shocked and appalled on hearing of police overreach around the world.  Here are some examples that may have not  made the news that I have gleaned from conversations from those on the ground.  Can you name the country and the police force involved? Using chain saws to destroy property. Axe-holding police shaking tents that people are sleeping in at 3 am,  militarized units dropping from helicopters, using backhoes and excavators inches away from the faces of  protestors who are attached to the ground, 24 hr police surveillance keeping flood lights on camps, no down time for people concerned about righting a wrong, coming in  at 4am for ambushes,  intimidation,  marginalizing minorities …arresting a non binary person who requested a female officer and was told that this  male officer identified as ‘she’.

Some may recognize this as Canada’s national police force, the RCMP, sparing no expense,   working to support a corporation’s injunction against old growth protesters on Vancouver Island.  Does this sound like individuals who signed up to ‘serve and protect’. Is this an organization you’d turn to when you were feeling at risk?

Christopher Bowers
Victoria, BC