Reflection on Martin Golder's presentation:

What student’s learned about or discovered from Martin

Look at the other persons side.

Empathy is a super power for superheroes to use.Recognizing that we are all human by taking a step back and watch what you have contributed to.

Martin doesn’t feel guilty as a baby boomer and believes guilt is useless And doesn’t help.

A superhero does not have to have a cape . It’s someone who is open and ready to engage in problems, be empathetic.

This was different than just a regular guest speaker because we are able to shape it.

We don’t need guilt, it’s useless but learn from mistakes.

Empathy can be used for a lot of things.

There is an empathy community.

In mediation empathy is a tool to know what’s going on better and see what’s making people tick.There’s an empathy community.

There’s a conscious disinformation campaign against climate change taking place.

What students like about Martin’s presentation:

He had so many interesting stories to tell and he was really honest and genuine.

Martin stood out the most to me from what he has to say about being a superhero. I’ve always seen superheroes as Marvel or DC characters. But really just being kind to one another or just being there for someone is the greatest superhero you can be. You don’t have to dress up or be known . You just have to be yourself.

I think Martin stood out the most. The fact that he thinks kindness and empathy can change who are, really stood out.

Always be kind and have empathy it can change your perspective and life.

Martin’s idea of using empathy as a weapon was insightful . The revolution extinction sounds like a good way to bring people together to take a stand.

The ability to be a beneficial superhero and help others.

Martin stood out for me because his accent made him seem super intellectual and he seemed very comfortable in front of people.

That you can be a superhero: you can change things yourself.

Baby boomers would do things differently if it could be repeated.But not feel guilty. Be conscious be kind. What role the different kinds of empathy? He uses cognitive empathy as a tool, it’s not emotional empathy.

I was surprised by his willingness to get arrested for protesting because he believes in the cause.

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