What students said about Justin Blanchfield

Reason you liked the interview:
He is trying to make things energy efficient and help the world
It inspired me to get a better job.
He came here for us.
He fixes bikes and gives them away to kids who can’t afford them
He really explains things well
He saves energy
Taught how important our resources are
Interesting to learn about his childhood.
He gave everyone a chance to ask a question.
He saves the world
It’s about saving power
Shows that people care about out world.
I really liek how now I have ideas for saving our planet
Makes me think asking  questions.
Good detailed answers
He likes to do things for other people not just himself

An idea you can use:
Being more energy efficient
Little things can make a big difference.
Do what you like or love
To do whatever I want to do with my life
Get a job that uses your skills
If you have a neat skill you will have a flexible life.
To compost and recycle more
Role modes
l are good for your life
Meet people
Volunteer more
Do a lot to help the environment and people
Help old people
Help the world and the people who need it. 
there are so many ways to help.
If you believe you can hep the world, you can
He can take his bike apart

An idea I’ll never forget
To do what you want to do even if your firend doesn’t agree

Great teachers = great jobs
Everyday he tries to save energy
Taking used bike parts, upgrading them and putting them on his bike
Community service
Follow your dreams
Be good at what you do