What students said about Christina Carrick

Reason you liked the interview

Everyone spoke clearly.

Very positive person

Told me a lot about to do in my life

How many people asked questions
Ir inspired me

Don’t take a job that has a lot of money but one that you really like

Christina was very happy to tell us about her work

That we met her in person and not on a sheet

Gave ideas on how to help our earth

Interesting questions with good length of anwers

She’s really interesting to help people make good decisions
To hear about her life.

She was really clear.

She answered truthfully and creatively

An idea I’ll never forget
How you help the school district

Spending more ( for a green house) allows you to pay less

Do a job that has a subject in school, or something you love.

Running your own business

When she was young she really wanted to help people

It’s fun selling green.
Buy green

You can make a difference in your expenses by making your house green.

Start your own business

Making friends with clients

Keeping a good range of qualities to expect them from your employees
Buy an older home and make it green

Short term pain for long term gain.
Short term spending , long term savings

Kids have an amazing influence on their parents

1. Building a business
2. Selling “green” real estate
3. Business ethics and corporate responsibility: going business the right way
4. One of life’s secrets: finding the right people