Leadership at Stelly’s Secondary

The Better the Question the Better the Story: Leadership in Community and Business
Leadership 11/ 12 Workshop at Stelly’s Secondary
November 20, 21st

Filmmaker- DVD/ EPk Producer/ Director Freelance Camera Operator

Kwesi Thompson

The Power of Story in the TV and Movie Industry
Being noticed, getting breaks
Life Lessons

National Champion to Business Management

To Mike Colwill, a young businessman and entrepreneu,r life has been totally spontaneous. Things just worked out positive in his life. He credits this to his parents’ positive approach to life:.. “Bad news/good news”.–. be able to spin something good .. out of any bad situation.’ My dad had a stroke. Just look at all the good that came out of that!.’ He loved his high school years, especially grade 11 / 12. which was the highlight of his education. He developed a great group of friends. That’s the most important thing.” If I went back I wouldn’t waste my time on doing better academically Success is based on people. High school is all about developing people skills. You have to go to awkward situations,. when you don’t know anyone there. That’s where you learn and grow.” < read what student said >


Deciding who you’re going to hang out with and do business with
Adventure.. Life is always an adventure.. You never really know what’s going to happen every day.
Dealing with challenges

Pack it all in: Always have something going on
The power of being positive..
Being noticed..: Put yourself in situations you’ll be noticed
From human rights and environmental activism to leadership training

Anne-Marie Daniels

Annemarie Daniels is a mother, an artisan , a mediator, a facilitator and a trainer. As a mediator she was responsible for the first five human rights cases in Vermont . Overall she’s an idea person, bursting with projects she’d like to take to the next step. Her major concern is helping with David Suzuki’s “Revolution in a Generation”- to effectively deal with our environmental degradation. For ten years as a single mother she had to be creative and flexible to make a living and provide for her family. She continues to look for new ways to keep important issues in the public eye. . In her work with the Gemini Project: she finds ways that top executives and kids from ‘the ‘wrong side of the tracks’, can really talk to each other without barriers that make it look like one has something over on the other person. < read student feedback>
Making choices based on what we need
Leveling the playing field
Revolution in a generation
Following through on dreams
Getting an idea and going for it: passion