Jordan Fisher –Sustainability Consultant

Jordan Fisher is an adventurer at heart and when he’s not in the great outdoors he’s working as an independent sustainable development consultant. He advises companies and governments on how to build communities that are healthier for people and the planet. Jordan has a diverse background and has worked as a wilderness guide and naturalist, a first-aid instructor, green building consultant, and a development manager. Jordan grew up in Ontario where he developed a passion for canoeing and hiking, which led him to move to Vancouver Island. His love of the outdoors led to a love for nature and an interest finding ways to help people live in balance with it. He’s learned that in order to do that people need to be in balance with one another, and much of Jordan’s work and life is focused on helping people to work together collaboratively.

Sustainability to Thrivability
The role each of us plays in making positive change
Helping companies and governments build healthier communities
Finding a balance between work and play
Life’s adventures

Employment :  I work as a consultant advising companies and governments on how to build more sustainable communities and manage their organizations more effectively. Much of my work involves bringing a wide variety of people and organizations together and helping them work collaboratively.
Responsibilities: I help facilitate workshops, plan complex projects, and manage the work of other professionals.
Accomplishments in my life:  My number one accomplishment in life is probably getting married to a wonderful person. That might seem like an odd thing to consider an accomplishment but as personal relationships are very important to me I think it is probably the most important thing I have ever done. In my “professional” life my accomplishments are related to finding a way to make a living doing what I love and am passionate about: becoming a wilderness expedition guide (my former career), particularly designing my first trip in a new area. More recently accomplishments have been playing an important role in the planning of “green” buildings and development, helping found the local chapter of the Green Building Council, and starting my own business. My other accomplishments have been in outdoor adventure/sports: going on a 3-week solo kayaking trip in the central coast of BC, sailing from the N.E. USA to the Virgin Islands. I also was a Canadian champion in “no holds barred” Ju-Jitsu.

Challenges in school/work/life:  One major challenge I’ve faced is trying to find a balance between work and play. When you work in areas you are passionate about it is easy to let your work consume your whole life. I sometimes struggle to get enough time for my other interests. When working with a wide diversity of people on complex projects it can be challenging to find ways to do what is good for everyone. I always want to find win-win solutions – sometimes creating them takes a lot of work. It can also be a challenge being relatively young when you’re in the business/professional world. That’s a good challenge, because it pushes you to do your best.

Interests: Geography, ecology Resource management (e.g. energy, water) Kayaking, canoeing, surfing, hiking, sailing

Interesting Course or Subject I have taken: Biogeography Theoretical physics (for non-physicists) Swift Water Rescue Training/White water raft guiding Sea Kayak leadership Wilderness First Aid First Nations Art History (BC Coast)

If I had a month to do  anything I wanted I would: Go surfing, kayaking, and hiking with all my friends

What do I want to be  doing 5 years from now: Being a stay at home dad, and running a small business on the side.

Question 1: Which people or groups are key to building healthier communities?

Question 2: How do you work with people who have not made the environment a priority in order to help them improve, while still maintaining your integrity?

Question 3: How do you make “sustainability” work for business?